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Privacy Statement


Contents on this website are protected by copyright. You may not modify, copy or publicly display, publish, distribute these materials in any way or use them for any public or commercial purposes. Any unauthorized use may constitute a breach of copyright, trademark and other laws.


"Yichang Group" is a trademark registered by Yichang Group for products and services. Without the permission of Yichang Group, the use of the above trademark for business purposes will infringe the trademark rights or other intellectual property rights of Yichang Group.

Copyright Statement

1. Except as specified in particular, the copyright of all contents of this website, such as its structure, web design, text, image and other information, belongs to the Yichang Group or its provider. No other person or other party shall copy, modify or mirror the servers not belonging to the Group's website or use them illegally in other ways.

2. The copyright rights of the content and images independently designed, compiled and produced by this website belong to this group. If others or others want to reproduce or use it in other ways, they must indicate that the source and copyright are all the marks of this group when they use it.

3. The Group reserves the right to take legal measures to investigate the legal liability of any act that violates the relevant laws and regulations of the State, does not respect the statement of this website, uses the content of this website without the consent of the Group and does not indicate its origin.

Company logo statement

Without the written authorization of the Company, no unit or individual may use in any way the words, graphics and other types of signs that can be used to identify the Company and its related businesses, including, but not limited to, the "trading group".

Dispute resolution

The laws of the People's Republic of China shall apply to any lawsuits and disputes arising from the use of this website relating to the Company.

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